Driving while intoxicated (DWI) convictions can lead to a variety of frustrating consequences. People can lose their driver's licenses. They may have to serve a sentence in state custody. There are also financial consequences including fines, court costs and higher...
Rochester And Upstate New York Criminal Defense Attorney
3 things to know about suspected drunk driving stops
Suspected drunk driving traffic stops are often intense exchanges. Anyone who is pulled over in this way should be prepared, as making this effort may help them to feel less nervous about the process and to better protect their interests along the way. The primary...
2 things you should do at a DWI stop to avoid arrest in New York
Knowledge and preparedness are your best allies when attempting to avoid arrest at a DWI stop. DWI stops are encounters between law enforcement and drivers suspected of driving while intoxicated. In New York, these stops are serious business; one wrong move can lead...
You can get a DWI even if you’re sleeping in the car
Many people assume that you can only incur a driving while intoxicated (DWI) charge if your car is in motion. You’re impaired, you’re behind the wheel and you’re clearly driving somewhere. If the police catch you, they can allege that you were impaired based on your...
Can you avoid a DWI conviction by showing your driving was fine?
You felt confident about your driving when a police officer pulled you over. Although you had a few beers or a mixed drink before getting behind the wheel, you felt certain that your beverages did not affect your driving skill. The police officer who pulled you over...
Could your cough medicine lead to a DWI?
For most people, getting a cold is an annoyance that only requires a little cough medicine to help them get through the day. What they may not know is that taking that medicine and getting behind the wheel of their vehicle can be dangerous. Cough and cold medicines,...
Can you drive after a DWI arrest in New York?
Losing your license is automatic after a conviction or guilty plea for a driving while impaired (DWI) offense in New York. Your previous driving record and aggravating factors of the time of your arrest, like the presence of children in your vehicle, will determine...
The penalties for driving drunk with children in New York
Motorists in New York who are convicted of driving while intoxicated face severe penalties, and even first-time offenders who do not cause accidents or injuries can be sent to jail for up to a year. The penalties are even more severe for drivers who get behind the...
DWI penalties in New York
Driving while intoxicated in the state of New York is a serious crime. If you get on the road after having a few drinks, you could easily put yourself and other drivers on the road in danger. To combat the epidemic of drunk driving, the state has instilled harsh...