Rochester And Upstate New York Criminal Defense Attorney

Photo Of Attorney Adam J. Willman

Facing Intoxicated Driving Charges

Are you facing criminal charges after being pulled over for driving while intoxicated (DWI)? Fighting DWI charges of any degree can be complex and challenging without an attorney. At the Law Office of Adam J. Willman, located in Rochester, we understand the stakes are high and the punishments could involve losing your license or worse.

Attorney Adam J. Willman has extensive experience defending numerous DWI and traffic violation cases and can help you understand the charges you are facing. If you are over the age of 21 and your blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08 or higher, you are violating state law. Because New York is a zero-tolerance state, if you are under the age of 21, the BAC limit is zero.

Defense Tactics For DWI Charges

Throughout the course of his career, Attorney Willman has prosecuted, as well as defended, hundreds of DWI cases and argued before countless judges throughout upstate New York. This is a benefit when crafting a strong defense and anticipating what the other side will do. Our firm can help you with:

  • Underage DWI
  • First-time DWI
  • Second, third, or subsequent DWI charges
  • License suspension administrative hearings

When combating DWI charges, our firm will evaluate every detail of the events that took place during your arrest. Our attorney is happy to travel to courts within a 50-mile radius of Monroe County to assist our clients. We’ll make sure your rights are protected and you receive the best possible outcome for your case.

Don’t Let A DWI Destroy Your Life: Fight It

When fighting a DWI charge, having an experienced attorney is a great start to a strong defense. Adam J. Willman, a native of Rochester, New York, is compassionate, responsive and ready to take on your DWI case. Call 585-643-5274 and start building your defense to protect your future, or send us a direct message to set up an appointment.