Knowledge and preparedness are your best allies when attempting to avoid arrest at a DWI stop. DWI stops are encounters between law enforcement and drivers suspected of driving while intoxicated. In New York, these stops are serious business; one wrong move can lead...
Rochester And Upstate New York Criminal Defense Attorney
Year: 2023
New laws passed in New York to crack down on illegal marijuana distribution
Since New York legalized marijuana and recreational cannabis for adult users over two years ago, many people assumed that the new legal market for marijuana would help to slowly eliminate the black market sale and distribution of the drug. However, with two years of...
You can get a DWI even if you’re sleeping in the car
Many people assume that you can only incur a driving while intoxicated (DWI) charge if your car is in motion. You’re impaired, you’re behind the wheel and you’re clearly driving somewhere. If the police catch you, they can allege that you were impaired based on your...
How drug treatment court can help New York defendants
Despite changing numerous laws to better align with scientific advancements and a greater understanding of the nature of addiction, New York still strictly prohibits the possession of certain drugs. People caught in possession of controlled substances, like synthetic...